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Financial Peace University

    Are you looking for a plan toward financial freedom by paying down debt and building wealth? Well, we have the course for you.

    We invite you to join John Beverstein for Financial Peace University, which presents Biblical and practical steps to get you from where you are to where you have dreamed you could be. In only nine lessons, you will learn how to get rid of debt, take control of your money, spend and save wisely, give generously, and much more! On average, families save $2,300 and pay off $5,700 in debt in the first 90 days! Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey will be offered on Tuesday evenings, March 12 through May 7, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in room 222. The course cost is FREE to the first 14 individuals/couples who would like to join! The course includes nine on-demand video lessons, three months of premium access to the EveryDollar budgeting app, a year of financial coaching, a fully editable digital workbook, and interactive support tools and calculators. Please register online.


    Cindy McKoy |   | 706-543-1442