January, 2025
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Athens First United Methodist Church Weekday Preschool.
As Jesus welcomed the little children into his arms, we welcome your children to our Preschool Ministry. We genuinely believe children are a blessing from God, and we thank you for sharing your little blessings with us. It is our purpose to provide a program in a warm, loving, Christ-centered environment, which promotes spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth.
This is an exciting time for our preschool! I eagerly and enthusiastically look forward to the school year ahead. Our experienced, qualified, loving, and dedicated teaching staff joins me in this enthusiasm and, as a team, we are committed to making your child’s preschool experience an adventure in learning and exploring God’s world.
With Blessings,
Mrs. Kay
Kay Elder, Director, AFUMC Weekday Preschool
(706) 543-1442,
Mission, Philosophy, and Program Goals
Our mission at Athens First United Methodist Church Weekday Preschool is to provide a spiritually nurturing environment where children can explore and learn about God’s world while developing spiritually, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically.
Athens First United Methodist Church and the Weekday Preschool believe that every child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop spiritually, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically to their highest potential in a loving environment. Our emphasis on the spiritual nurture of children and staff makes the program at Athens First United Methodist Church Weekday Preschool a special one. With a structured day and trained caregivers that follow the accreditation requirements of North Georgia United Methodist Preschool Association, every opportunity will be provided for a child to feel secure as they discover the world around them.
We strive to provide a spiritual foundation for children to encourage their development spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually and to help children know themselves as unique individuals. In addition, we work to help children develop trusting and responsible relationships with other children and adults, to provide developmentally appropriate curriculum designed to meet the individual needs of every child and to intentionally structure time for social interaction with other children. Finally, we provide opportunities for children to develop early learning skills for pre-reading, pre-writing, math, and science integrated in the day’s activities.
We are a “School of Excellence” accredited by The United Methodist Preschool Association of the North Georgia Conference and hold an Exemption letter from the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) Bright from the Start.
A well-rounded, developmentally appropriate curriculum is used at AFUMC Weekday Preschool. A Christian environment provides the setting for our early childhood curriculum which offers opportunities for each child to grow in the awareness of the love of God. Our preschool follows the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (http://gelds.decal.ga.gov/), Handwriting Without Tears, A Child’s Book of Character Building, and our Christian curriculum, Bright Beginnings. Each day is structured to allow a balance of busy active play and quiet activities.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14 NRSV) Chapel time is a time to help the children come to know they are people whom God loves and that they are part of God’s kingdom. Led by the Weekday Preschool Director, children ages two and older attend Chapel each week.
Joyful Noise
Weekday Children, ages two and older, attend music with their class each week. Children under two may have an opportunity to participate during the second half of the school year. In music, children sing, dance, play instruments, and move to a variety of styles of music. They are exposed to simple music concepts such as fast/slow, high/low, loud/soft, rhythm, and the use of musical instruments. Music is used to reinforce what children are learning in their classrooms and Chapel.
Happy Feet
Children two and older attend “Happy Feet” once a week with their class. Children under two may have an opportunity to participate during the second half of the school year. Happy Feet is a musical-movement program that helps your child improve balance and targets motor skills, hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, and body space/awareness. The program enhances sensory functioning and the development of a positive self-image.
Playground and Gym
All children will have the opportunity to play on the playground daily with their class. In the event of inclement weather, children will play in the gym.
Enrollment, Classes, and Fees
AFUMC Weekday Preschool welcomes students of any religion, race, color and national or ethnic origin. Children are enrolled in AFUMC Weekday Preschool based on age and space availability. All classes are subject to change depending on enrollment. A non-refundable registration fee of $175 is required to secure your child’s placement in the preschool program. A supply fee of $100.00 is due by the first day of school and helps offset the costs of classroom supplies, and cleaning, sanitation, and disinfecting of our classrooms.
Requirements to Register and Attend School
Age: Children must turn the appropriate age by September 1st to be enrolled in the current year (except for our Young 2s who must be 2 by December 1).
Health: A #3231 Immunization form signed and completed by your physician before your child may attend school. Your child must be immunized according to the guidelines set forth by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. This form must be received on or before the first day of school for your child to attend. Please contact the Weekday Preschool Director if you have questions about a medical exemption.
Classrooms and Fees
Caterpillars (9-12 months by September 1) M/W ($215/mo.)
Butterflies (12-18 months by September 1) Tu/Th ($215/mo.)
Honeybees (18-24 months by September 1) M/W ($215/mo.)
Young 2s (2 by December 1) Tu/Th ($215/mo.)
3 Day 2s (2 by September 1) MWF ($250/mo.)
5 Day 2s (2 by September 1) M-F ($325/mo.)
3 Day 3s (3 by September 1) MWF ($250/mo.)
5 Day 3s (3 by September 1) M-F ($325/mo.)
PreK M-F (4 by September 1) ($325/mo.)
NOTE: Students to be enrolled in our 3-year-old classes must be fully potty trained by the first day of school.
Tuition Payments
There are a total of ten tuition payments due during the school year (payable to AFUMC Weekday Preschool). Payment of one month’s tuition is due August 1 and must be paid promptly to maintain your child’s placement in our program. The remaining nine payments are due on the first of each month beginning on September 1. The last payment is due May 1. Tuition may be paid by the month, the semester, or the year. Families are encouraged to pay online through the REALM registration and payment system used by AFUMC. Step-by-step instructions will be provided to families over the summer. Discounts are provided to families who choose to pay tuition in full for the year or by the semester.
AFUMC Weekday Preschool reserves the right to refuse enrollment or dismiss any student for chronic delinquent tuition payments. A $20 late fee is incurred for any payment received after the 5th of the month. If the payment remains in arrears past the 1st of the following month, the previous month’s late fee will be added to the base tuition and another $20 fee will accrue. This will continue from the 1st of each month until the delinquent tuition is paid in full. In addition, a $30.00 charge will be assessed for any check returned by the bank. If a child is absent due to illness or travel, the full month’s tuition must be paid. There will be no reduction in tuition for families with more than one child enrolled.
If you must withdraw your child from the Weekday Preschool, please provide written notice to the Weekday Preschool Director. One month’s written notice is required before a child may be withdrawn. Without written notice, the parent is responsible for the next month’s tuition fee.
The 2025-26 Calendar for Students and Staff is posted on the AFUMC Weekday Preschool Webpage and is linked here.
Arrival and Dismissal
Preschool begins at 9:00 AM each day and ends at 12:00 PM.
Morning carpool starts at 8:45 and ends at 9:00. Please make every effort to drop your child off at the proper time. Afternoon carpool begins at 12:00 and ends at 12:15. Prior to 8:45 and after 12:15 our teachers are preparing for their day or wrapping up the day’s activities. If you are going to be late picking up your child, please notify us as soon as possible.
Detailed information about carpool procedures will be provided immediately prior to the school year.
Inclement Weather
AFUMC Weekday Preschool will follow the lead of the Clarke County School District for inclement weather days. When Clarke schools are closed or delayed, we will also be closed.
Health and Wellness Guidelines
When your child does not feel well or is unable to participate in regular activities (including outside time), we request that you keep him/her home. Please refer to the following guidance.
Please let us know within 24 hours if your child contracts a CONTAGIOUS or COMMUNICABLE disease (such as COVID-19, flu, chicken pox, strep, pink eye, hand, foot and mouth disease, lice, pin worms, viral infections, mumps, measles, scarlet fever, or fifth’s disease) and we will notify other parents, as necessary. The preschool makes every effort to protect the health and safety of the children. For the child’s protection and that of others in the school, your child should be kept at home when you see signs of colds or other illnesses.
Any child who has any of the following symptoms should not attend school:
- Severe cold
- Red or sore eyes
- Persistent cough
- Green discharge from nose or eyes
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Nausea or vomiting Swollen glands
- Diarrhea
- Earache
- Rashes
Your child must be symptom-free without the aid/use of medicine for 24 hours before returning to school.
AFUMC Weekday Preschool is an allergy-aware environment and a nut-free zone. All allergies need to be reported to your child’s teacher and an Allergy and Asthma Plan needs to be completed prior to the beginning of school. This plan should also be updated throughout the year should your child’s care change.
Staff of the Weekday Preschool are not permitted to administer any medications to children during the school day except medication for emergency allergic or asthmatic use.
Lunch Bunch
This optional, extended day program is available to all three-year-old and PreK students who are independent with eating and drinking skills, and potty trained. Lunch Bunch extends a child’s day for one hour (12:00pm-1:00 pm.) The program begins in September for eligible students. Children in two-year-old classes may be invited to join in January once they have turned three and provided, they are potty trained. Detailed information about registration, what to bring, etc. will be provided to families after the school year begins.
Discipline and Biting
One of the primary goals of AFUMC Weekday Preschool is to help young children learn to live and grow in their relationships with others. Skills such as sharing, taking turns and cooperation provide an important foundation for a successful educational future. Discipline is derived from the word disciple meaning to teach. Behavioral instruction includes teaching self-control and the expressing of feelings in socially acceptable ways. Discipline will focus on the positive behaviors that are expected. Simple and clear rules will be established in each classroom. Children will be treated in a positive and respectful manner with gentle reminders of these rules. Discipline measures are directed toward teaching children appropriate behavior and self-control, based upon what is reasonable for their age and developmental level.
Redirection, logical consequences, and time-out may be utilized because of misconduct. Corporal punishment will not be used under any circumstances.
There may be times when a child’s behavior can affect the climate and safety of the classroom. Behaviors that can be disruptive to a classroom may include aggression, defiance, disobedience, or disrespect. If these behaviors occur, teachers will help the child use appropriate words to resolve conflict, praise/reward kind behavior, and provide natural consequences for undesirable behavior. Teachers will also collaborate with parents to provide consistency at home and at school.
Should a child’s behavior become severe enough to interfere with the overall climate of the classroom, steps including but not limited to a conference with the Weekday Preschool Director and the development of a behavior plan may be needed. Continued enrollment in the Weekday Preschool program will be determined by periodic reviews and parent conferences with the Weekday Preschool Director and teaching staff. The best interest of the child as well as the preschool will be the final determining factors for enrollment.
Biting causes more upset feelings than many other behaviors in preschool programs. Because it seems so primitive, we tend to react differently to biting than to hitting, grabbing or other aggressive acts. Biting is upsetting and dangerous. In children under three years of age, biting is developmentally typical behavior. Responses to biting in the classroom are developed to instruct the biter and to ensure the safety of other children in the classroom. Parents will be informed if their child has been bitten or has been bitten.
Repeated biting by children, especially those three and older may reflect a child’s inability to participate in a group setting. It may be necessary to remove persistent biters from the program for the safety of the other children in the class. Periodic reviews and parent conferences with the Weekday Preschool Director and teaching staff will help determine whether continued enrollment is in the best interest of the child and the program.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Our teachers welcome the opportunity to confer with you concerning your child’s progress or any special problems about which you may be concerned. Parents of our three-year old and PreK students will have the opportunity for a fall and spring parent teacher conference. These conferences will be scheduled by your child’s teacher.
Outside of these scheduled conferences, please make prior arrangements to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss specific concerns. A note addressed to the teacher requesting an opportunity to speak privately may be placed in your child’s book bag. The morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up is not an opportunity to have such personal discussions without prior arrangements. Parents are encouraged to openly communicate with the teachers and the Weekday Preschool Director.
The Weekday Preschool publishes a monthly newsletter from September through May. This will include a note from the Weekday Preschool Director, upcoming events, important dates, and other information for the preschool community. This newsletter will be sent by email and will be posted to the Weekday Preschool website for reference.
In addition, your child’s teacher will send home a monthly calendar at the beginning of each month and a weekly newsletter, highlighting the activities and events going on within the classroom during that month. Please make every effort to read all communication carefully and post in a place you may refer to it as needed.
Classroom Routines and Procedures
Teachers will share information about classroom routines such as snack time, Show and Tell, birthday celebrations, etc. at Meet the Teacher (Open House) in August before school begins.
We recommend that children wear play clothes that are practical, comfortable, and washable. Tennis shoes that tie or have Velcro closures are best. Jellies, cowboy boots, sandals or patent leather shoes are not recommended and can be dangerous on the playground. Please be aware that we paint and glue often and spills occur. As the weather gets colder, please dress your child in layers since we go outside every day, weather permitting. Rain boots and umbrellas are not necessary, but a rain jacket is usually a good idea. Each child should provide a complete seasonal change of clothing for the teacher to keep in case of an “accident.” Please put the change of clothes in a zip-lock bag and label with your child’s name.
Remember to clearly mark your children’s clothing (i.e., jackets, coats, sweaters, mittens, etc.) with his/her name.