Weekday Preschool Classes
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Check out our classes!
Happy Feet Children two and older attend “Happy Feet” once a week with their class. Our youngest children may have this opportunity during the second half of the year as they are ready to participate. Happy Feet is a musical-movement...
Children, ages two and older, attend Joyful Noise, or music, with their class each week. For our youngest children, Joyful Noise may be introduced in the second half of the year as children are more able to participate. In music, children sing...
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14 NRSV) Chapel time is a time to help the children come to know they are people whom...
This program is available for all 3's and PreK students who are TOTALLY self-sufficient and potty trained! Two year olds will be invited to join us in January once they have turned three provided they are potty trained and self-sufficient.