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Adult Sunday School | Better Together

    "Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
    - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    We invite you to grow deeper in the Christian faith. Newcomers and guests are always invited to any of our classes. For more information, contact Cindy.
    Cindy McKoy, Director of Small Groups Ministry | 

    Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.

    College & Young Adult Sunday School Class | Meets in room 318 at 10:00 a.m.
    Demographic: 18 to 25, Singles

    Cornerstone | Meets in room 247 [Pulpit side of the sanctuary]
    Demographic: 60s+, Couples and singles

    Disciples | Meets in room 224
    Demographic: 60s+, ages in different stages, makes for a great class! Married couples and singles

    Foundations | Meets in room 322
    Demographic: 30s to 40s, Singles and couples with elementary school children

    High Point | Meets in room 114 [across from the Youth area downstairs]
    Demographic: 30s to 50s, Singles and couples with children

    H. C. Tuck | Meets in room 240
    Demographic: Men only; all ages

    Lifeline | Meets in room 320
    Demographic: Adults with young adult children

    Marthas & Marys | Meets in room 200 | Hancock Parlor
    Demographic: Women only; all ages

    Outreach | Meets in room 222
    Demographic: 60s+, Couples and singles

    Partners | Meets in Hull Conference Room
    Demographic: Open to all

    Pathfinders | Meets in the John Wesley Parlor
    Demographic: Late 20s to 50s, Singles & Married

    Stepping Stones | Meets in room 314
    Demographic: 20s to 40s, Parents with young children, ages birth through elementary school

    Tumbleweeds | Meets in room 229 (*hybrid meeting- in-person & online)
    Age range: 50s+