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    We receive our identity from others, from the expectations of friends and colleagues, from the labels society puts upon us, and from the influence of family. To become a Christian is to receive a new identity. Baptism celebrates becoming that new person. 

    Baptism is a sacrament of the United Methodist Church and is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. Through baptism we are initiated into Christ’s holy church and given new life through water and the Spirit. If you would like to be baptized, then our church is here for you.  

    Adult Baptism

    Please contact Julie Robinson to schedule a meeting with one of our ministers to discuss our baptismal process.
    Julie Robinson |

    Infant Baptism

    Infant baptism is extended to children whose parents are members of Athens First United Methodist Church. It is required that parents be members of this congregation, because infant baptism is a covenant that is made between both parents and church members to support, raise, and love the child being baptized. Parents can join the church the same day that their child is baptized. 

    To schedule an infant baptism or learn more about membership, contact:
    Julie Robinson |