Series: Sermons from 2019

Presence of God

May 26, 2019 | Rev. Chuck Hodges
Passage: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

This last month we have looked at God’s generosity; our stewardship and the faith behind it all. Today we focus on the practical question of to whom and toward what we should give. The big question deals with whether our giving priorities line up with God's.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus tellus nulla, a tempor est consequat sit amet. Donec lacinia risus id rhoncus ultricies. Vivamus egestas suscipit ornare. Sed iaculis iaculis justo ut tristique. Nam dictum metus sit amet enim consequat sollicitudin. Sed vel ligula dictum, mollis nisl sed, posuere lectus. Pellentesque non volutpat orci.

Phasellus eget efficitur mi. Nam iaculis eget quam ac fringilla. Vivamus fermentum semper dignissim. Curabitur lacus leo, rhoncus in dolor eu, finibus venenatis massa. Sed aliquet convallis enim, at consectetur lorem pretium nec. Curabitur auctor fermentum felis vel tristique. Aliquam quis mi ante. Nulla non molestie ex, fringilla laoreet ex. Suspendisse varius fringilla justo quis egestas. Proin magna ipsum, finibus imperdiet tempor vel, suscipit et augue. Pellentesque leo nibh, vestibulum non bibendum quis, finibus malesuada nulla. Morbi sodales scelerisque urna nec euismod.

Follow Along with the Message


Eight Implications of God’s Presence

As Moses and God interact regarding the condition of the nation and God’s glory, we are able to learn some great lessons about the implications of God’s presence.

1. God’s presence

2. God’s presence  
3. God’s presence  
4. God’s presence  
5. God’s presence  
6. God’s presence

7. God’s presence is  8. God’s presence  


Series Information

Other sermons in the series

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A Matter of Trust

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Confident Joy

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Presence of God

May 26, 2019

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God is Infinite

June 02, 2019

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God is Omnipotent

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God is Good

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God is Just

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Our Church Vision

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Ultimate Confidence

June 02, 2019

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