Series: Resurrection Stories

“Peace Be with You”

April 16, 2023 | Rev. Jeremy Lawson
Passage: John 20:19-23

According to the Gospel of John, the very first words that Jesus spoke to his disciples after his resurrection were, “Peace be with you.” Why? Because in spite of the triumph of the resurrection, they still lived in a world saturated with fear. We know something about that too, don’t we? We’re Easter people and yet we still live in a world where fear and darkness are realities. We’ll look at why we—and our world—need Jesus’ words more than ever.

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Other sermons in the series

“Living Proof”

April 30, 2023

How having a resurrection faith calls us to be the living proof of faith that our...

"Do You Love Me?"

May 07, 2023

The unique way Jesus lifted Peter up even after Peter had let him down.

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